Month: September 2020
Kenyataan Media Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (PUTRA) Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera 1. PUTRA merujuk kepada Kenyataan Media Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia bertarikh 18 September 2020 iaitu berkaitan pelancaran portal SPRM dalam bahasa Mandarin. 2. SPRM
"MACC is a government agency. It is mandatory for government agencies to apply the national language in official communications, as enshrined in Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, read together with Section 2 of the National Language Act 1963/67."
"Too many parties may divide the people, but a party and leaders who showcase good governance, integrity and high morality will be a force for unity for all the races."
"Dahulu, rakyat tidak banyak pilihan, umpama dasar monopoli terhad menyebabkan berlaku ketamakan, kenaikan kos sesuka hati, mutu tidak diberi keutamaan, peyelewengan dan sebagainya.