Perisytiharan umat Melayu Islam

PERHIMPUNAN Agung Tahunan Putra kali keempat yang selesai bersidang telah membuat ketetapan 10 perkara bagi menyokong Ucapan Dasar Presiden yang diisytihar sebagai Perisytiharan Umat Melayu Islam. Ucapan Dasar bertemakan Dilema Politik Melayu Islam oleh presidennya, Datuk

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Nonprofit Organization NPO: Definition and Example

A dedicated website is also one of the best ways to share your nonprofit’s vision, mission, and story with supporters. Consequently, it’s also a great way to announce upcoming events and goals. So this step in the process depends on you deciding on the legal form for your

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Microdosing: Definition, benefits, and risks

Effects of LSD have been particularly hard to predict when dosed on a regular basis. Moreover, magic mushrooms, cannabis, and others can vary in active drug concentrations, even when using carefully prepared products. The variance of active content can be down to small

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